HELLO 2018.

Every human alive at the end of the year 2017. Would have a different account of the surprises and challenges that the year brought along with it.
2017 was a year of bad and good. It was good because at the end of it, I am still here, hale and hearty, no limb chopped off and able to write this. It was good because I had a feel of what fear really was and reconciled myself with it. I learnt how important life was; how precious time was and how important it was who and what I choose to spend that time doing. I realized that unless you believe in reincarnation; life is one and ought to be lived like the gift it truly was. This year was bad. Because I was unprepared for the bad unexpected things that happened, and maybe I learnt my lesson from these things or maybe I wish that they never happened. The evil of this year is purged as it comes to a delicate end. But the lessons; the fragments of thoughts of the year 2017 remains in my mind. And here is a summary of it all;

1. FEAR IS AN OVERLOOKED THIEF: The number one thing I learnt in 2017, was that fear is the greatest enemy of progress. Of course there is always a reason to be afraid. Sometimes a very good reason. But is that reason great enough to hinder you? Fear steals precious time. Your doubts, lack of confidence is actually hindering your progress. Whether you like it or not. The biggest way to get over any fear is to face it. If possible repeatedly, and not to run from it. Well, except your Will Byers. Please, run.

2. GOD IS REAL: I don’t know what you believe in, but if there is anything you can’t see but exists it is God. He does come through, even when we do not deserve it. He has become the greatest part of my life and I can’t wait for him to become all of it.

“People are looking at me.” “People are watching. What would they think of me?” This two thoughts are highly self-limiting, plus no one is watching you, you’re not Beyoncé and even Beyoncé is Beyoncé because she acts the way she does. As far as you’re not hurting or stepping on anyone’s right no one cares. So be yourself. And most of the time, those that pass bad remarks while you’re trying to express or find yourself are those who hardly know you. So really do you think that person cares about you?

This cliché requires no emphasis. But somehow most people forget or are oblivious to this truth even though they hear the phrase so many times. We live our life in cowardice, mental slavery, being our own oppressors, living for others and not staying true to ourselves. Life is a gift, my friend. You might not think so, depending on where you are in life now. At some point in my life I have asked, “Why didn’t any one ask me if I really wanted to be here in this life and to experience all these awful things.” And the fact that I was brought into this world, without my very own consent made me angry and weary. I didn’t like the people around me, I didn’t like what I saw happening in Society. I hated people for the way they were. I hated myself many times for being imperfect. But I felt like an ingrate in all of these. Because somehow those with less opportunities and less reasons to be happy, still managed to put a smile on their faces, when I couldn’t. And I realized that the only bad luck in this life is PEOPLE. People like me who were disgruntled, over sensitive, and broken.
 If I was going to survive in this kind of place, I thought I was going to have the right attitude. I wasn’t going to show my annoyance all the time. I didn’t want to feel things like hate, jealousy and anger. And even after feeling all of these things. I wanted to be genuinely forgiving. I just wanted to be happy. I wanted to be that person that nothing got to, and didn’t take anything too seriously. To be able to smile through it all. Whether Storm or Sunshine. Be strong. Make the best of everything. Because no matter how bad. It will pass. And we will both know that Life happened once.

I never got to understand how this phrase worked. It might even be a big lie. Who knows? But one thing is clear, Instead of looking for a good person in the world it is better to be that good person. If you think there are too many unkind people in the world, just be kind. Stop searching. Stop looking to place hope on people. Place that hope on yourself to be a better person. Stop looking for what others can do for you. What can they do for you that you can’t do for yourself? There is a thing about showing kindness, after being kind to someone you feel good, like a weight has been lifted inside. It is a big truth that being kind to another person is being kind to yourself. The same goes when I have done wrong, I feel terrible when I do something bad, maybe I even feel as bad as the evil I committed. There might be a few exceptions out there, as some people’s conscience has long since given up on them.

Know yourself, take time to learn about you. Mood swings, Pet peeves, etc. Your relationship with every other person depends on this. Your relationship becomes better, glossier and happier, when you understand yourself. Don’t be that time ticking bomb that doesn’t even know when he or she would explode. Be honest to yourself.

As I write this particular one something inside of me is yelling ride on hypocrite! Anyways, I learnt at the end of the year 2017 that I was very selfish. Cared about myself way more than necessary, and it was simply because I was trying to get involved in no mess.  But believe it or, yes, selfishness is one reason people like you and I refuse to show love to others. It’s the real reason, people refuse to be good. For example, you happen to be among a crowd of people watching a man being burnt to his death. And the only thing you’re thinking of is how you don’t want to get involved because they just might burn you alive with him. I get your worry but that’s what the other person next to you is also thinking; that’s what all of you are thinking instead of helping. And the image of that man burning doesn’t leave your mind after that, because one who sees evil being done and does nothing, is as evil as the doer himself. This was a harsh example. It could be anything. Maybe even getting in trouble because you choose to do the right thing. Selfless acts open doors, it brings opportunities to your doorstep, if there are no opportunities you can see. It is probably because you are too self-centered. I know I am. And I hope to change. Besides, I thought about it. And if this generation needed a name. Whether cool or not, it would be called “The Selfish Generation.” Because we all want people to do things for us, which we cannot do for others.

If you had a hard time achieving your goals in 2017. Its probably not because you were doing bad. Or because you’re not giving it your all. It might just be that. You’re not going about it the right way. So only you know how important those goals are to you. Do not give up on them and keep trying. Try different ways to reach them. If you’re good in what you do and you are determined and consistent in it. You can’t fail forever. It goes against the laws and principles of our world. And those of you who have beautiful possibilities within you. It’s time to unleash them. Take that bold step, it might not be comfortable. You might be getting zero support but keep on pushing. I for one believe life is a bundle of pain without dreams.

